Licorice, French Tip White, Absinthe, Night Violet, Sunshine, Seabreeze.
Vivid Violet, Blue Shock, Lagoon, Powerful Pink, Golden Vision, Mystic.
Licorice and French Tip White are pretty much basic shades of creamy nail polish. Night Violet sounds like it should be a purple shade, but instead it's a shimmery brown shade that I personally don't find too flattering. Sunshine is almost a mustard color yellow. I thought it would be more on the pale side but that can easily be fixed by mixing some French Tip White with it to create a more pastel shade of yellow. I really love Seabreeze. It's a perfect summer shade, has a muted turquoise coloring, & looks slightly green in certain lighting. Vivid violet is a really pretty shade of purple with lots of shimmer, and looks great as a pedicure polish. Blue Shock, like Vivid Violet, has lots of shimmery shine and looks awesome when used with other nail polish. Such as a black nail, blue nail, black nail... pattern. Lagoon is a pale shiny shade of blue. Looks amazing on any skin tone. Powerful pink is a very creamy, strong color that looks nearly red. People have thought I was wearing red polish when I had this on. Golden Vision and Mystic are very shimmery colors. Mystic has a coppery gold look in the bottle, but will sometimes look silver when worn on nails.

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